Saturday, May 25, 2013

Bucket list

This is a list of the things I would like to do before I die. I posted this initially last May 25, 2013 without those in Orange. By this time, I realized that some of the things in my list deserves to be revised but still shows the original blog post. 

1. Long drive. I'll be the driver. This would be fun if it will be done with my family and/or special someone.

2. Sleep by the sea shore, waiting for sunrise. Definitely not to be done alone

3. Drink till I get drunk.

4. Do target shooting and archery.

5. Play in the stock market.  Learn to invest my money wisely

6. To complete the Simbang gabi with my special someone.

7. Get married and have kids of my own.

8. Find the guy who will love me more than I love him - I think I just did! :) 

9. Start my farm.

10. Play a significant part in the society.

11. Sing again in a choir. - Thank you Smart Serve Chorale! 💖😍🙌

12. Have myself checked if I have cancer.

13. Have a guy best friend. - Lucky to find and meet this person and my special someone in one man.

14. Long walks with the BF.

15. Receive a bouquet from a guy I really like without being told by anyone. - He need not be told 'coz he is naturally romantic 😍

16. Get fetched from our house because we'll be going out on a date.

17. Harana from my crush/love. Same condition as the flowers. - He does not sing in public but has a really nice voice. He can play the guitar and I am proud to say he learned it by teaching himself 😍😤

18.  Add my office crush in facebook a week before my resignation takes into effect. 

19. Kiss in the rain.

20. Be sexy and fit.

21. Not to talk about anything about my relationship with my past lovers.

22. Drive more often.

23. Joy ride

24. Travel alone in the Philippines and meet new people.

25. Be a model.

26. Buy my own house and car.

27. Be able to blurt out what I feel without hesitation.

29. To save money for my future.

30. To set my long term life plans in terms of career growth and personal development.

To be continued...

25 March 2017 Entries 


It's been seven months since I've started working and it has been one roller coaster ride. It is a combination of all types of emotion you could think of. Allow me to enumerate to you some of the events in my life in the past few months together with the general feeling thatI had.

New employee =New environment = New Life =  New Friend/s
There is this enthusiasm for me to share all the things I've learned. More than that is the joy to be working with other IEs. During the initial stages, I am very curious as to how does it feel to be working; to be earning and to be spending to support yourself;
to be working with people of different age, size and race.

Since you've sold yourself to your employer, they have high expections. I might not been able to meet some of it but, I always try to improve and perform at my best.

Another is from the group you are working with. I was new and trying my best to please everyone. It was really hard as I am not an extrovert. I think the only way to really survive is to be yourself. It may sound like a cliche but it is still the best way to go. :)

Things are piling up as you are still in the stage of discovering how to do this and that. Plus the expectations you are managing from your boss, co-workers within and outside your department.

Another type of stress is the culture of the company. It is something that is very important and normally taken forgranted by people who are new in the BIG world. It is a stress which cannot be resolved immediately but can be reduced by diverting your attention to other things.

To be continued... ♡