Thursday, December 1, 2011

You know he is not in love

You know he is not in love with you if:
He doesn’t call.
You find yourself making up excuses for why he doesn’t call.
He doesn’t show genuine concern and care.
His buddies take precedence.
He doesn’t want others to know about your relationship.
He would rather play video games than be with you.
Your gut tells you he is not really in love with you.
You find yourself trying to deny feelings of being used.
You have a sense that you are one of many.
He lies to you about his whereabouts or behaviors.
He keeps making excuses for his uncaring actions.
He emotionally, mentally, or physically abuses you.
You feel you are a possession rather than a beloved.
Based on my experience, this is actually true! I hope other girls wouldn't commit the same mistake of falling in love with the wrong man. DO not let him take advantage over you. It just so sad that there are a number of men who keep telling lies.  

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