Thursday, May 24, 2012

When the SNATCHER came

To start with, this is not a mushy post about hurt or happiness in love. Just as the title says.

Well, I went to school to do revisions for our thesis. I decided to go to Ayala, Makati to get the money that he owe me. So I left UM- Taft at past 6pm and arrived at Makati around 6:30pm. I waited at the MRT station for 5-10 mins. I was able to get the money and at the same time meet his girlfriend who is very friendly and has a kind heart. They went home first while I went inside the mall. I got so exhausted to I decided to go around first.

May 24, I was suppose to visit someone but failed to do so because of my hectic schedule. To compensate, I went to the chapel in Greenbelt to pray for all the blessings that day and to talk to him. I was at peace as I leave the chapel. While I was on my way to the station, I was already feeling hungry but decided not to buy food. I was thinking that I could naman if I get home, plus I want to save some money.

I went to the bus station, which is located along EDSA, below the MRT station. There are four rows for the passengers to board and alight. When I stepped on the first platform, I felt strangely on how the man looks at me and merely his presence together with another guy. They are not standing side by side but instead they are on my left and right side. I moved to the next platform since I saw a bus coming which is bound Dasma. I decided not to board since it seems to be full. I moved to the third platform and asked the conductor (The man who gives out tickets to the passengers) if there are still available seats. I was unlucky that the he said it's already full. I stopped in front of the door since I am analyzing on whether I should board or not. I am considering two things that time:

1. I am hungry so I cannot stand for too long. I had the same experience before and my blood sugar just dropped.
2. I do not have enough sleep the night before and I've been busy the whole day. I am very exhausted.

As I was thinking, the snatcher came and took my necklace. I had a delayed reaction because of exhaustion and hunger. He was able to make 5 steps away from me before I started chasing him. He ran quite fast. It was so hard for me to chase him because I was carrying a Long Champ which is full of paper, bottled water and a big folding umbrella. We ran for about a minute, but he crossed the highway which I couldn't do.

I approached the MMDA officer which is regulating the bus traffic at the entrance of the terminal to ask for helped. I pointed where the snatcher went but he said I should go up to the parking lot where the police station is located. When I arrived at the station, I was accompanied by 2 officers to search for the snatcher. We went to the north bound bus terminal located at the other side of the road but I wasn't able to see the "guy". Afterwards we return to station and have the incident blotter-ed.

At some point I realized that :
1. I forgot to scream to ask for help initially, I only realized to so when I was already chasing the guy.
2. I forgot what may happen to me, there is a possibility that I might get hurt.

It was quite a traumatizing experience, which I will always remember. This would be the first time where the snatcher was successful in getting something from me. This will serve as a lesson. Hope the bad guys will be caught. Diyos na ang bahala sa inyo.

Thursday, May 17, 2012


T'was the muse who's wrapped in ice and thorns
who walked towards the purple rose.

A choice of waiting for summer's day
or pushing aside the winter's day.

Through the foggy road she walk by,
as she came to reach the purple bloom.

The thick mist she used to hide,
the scar and bruise of September's blow.

Bleeding as she extends her warmth,
blindly as he look through the muse.

The rose seem cold despite the warmth,
which turned her heart to shatter in a snap.

She outbreaks in a cry for plead of warmth
to melt the ice and wilt the thorns.

To start anew, to warm more bloom,
to see more smiles from the crowd in view.

Haven't thought of a good title for this poem that I wrote last night. It's been a while since I wrote something like this. Last night, I was so happy to be talking with Pia, Bem and Francis. It must be the chocolates that I ate. Talking using gay lingo and "conyo" is like crazy. Haha! Hope everyday is a fun day. I'll end this with a quote..

From Ate Mer's post:
“By referring to previous struggles and using them as reasons for not getting on with your life today, you’re assigning responsibility to the past for why you can’t be successful or happy in the present.”
- Dr. Wayne Dyer

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Finally moved on

I think therefore I conclude.. familiar line isn't it?  Well, it's been a while since I rant about how awful I feel about the relationship that I had. Indeed, it wasn't an easy road. Despite the struggles that I had I managed to have the courage to see him again. It was only to confirm, I did it. With all the sincerity and honesty in my heart I came to his place to finally start the friendship. I hope he wouldn't be thinking of anything else, but build up the lost friendship and start all over again. Life is too short to be bitter about the thing in the past. =)